Research at the Center for Curiosity
The Center promotes research initiatives to advance the scientific understanding of curiosity, its practical applications, and ways to trigger it. Presently, Center-sponsored research projects are underway at the University of Pennsylvania and IIT Gandhinagar.
The Center has endowed postdoctoral positions at the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania to promote research and encourage broader work around curiosity.
Curiosity Lab at IIT Gandhinagar
The Center supports research fellowships at the Cognitive Science Center at the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar to conduct research and projects on cognitive and cultural aspects of curiosity.
Curricular Tools
The Center is developing curricular tools for teachers to encourage curiosity among students. It has organized curiosity workshops for teachers in Philadelphia and New York schools. The Center is also developing curricular materials to encourage curiosity among management professionals.
Curiosity Practice
The Center has launched an initiative to develop and popularize tools to measure and promote curiosity among children and adults.
Curiosity and Education - A Whitepaper
The Center for Curiosity is developing white papers on curiosity and its relationship to different disciplines, such as creativity, management, education, neuroscience, behavioral science, psychology, etc.​
Please contact us at info@centerforcuriosity.com if you are interested in developing a white paper.